Day: 20 October 2022

The New York Lottery

In order to emphasize the value of identity verification as well as other best practices, the Additional York Lottery will introduce new instructions for Lottery shops. As especially in New York State’s dedication to responsible gaming, the Division of Lottery of the New York State Licensing Board made an announcement today.

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The New York State’s Activities

According to Commissioner Executive Director Robert Williams, there is a safer gambling principles govern New York State’s activities in the design, marketing, and sale of Lottery games.

This new training helps shops support the security and consistency of our games as they contribute to maintaining them.

The Northern American Association

The Northern American Association of State & Territorial Lottery tickets will continue to provide education on how to identify fraudulent identifications. It will also show how to interact with clients who may not be used to presenting identification when buying lottery scratch-off or drawn game tickets.

Training and the Additional Resources

According to Gweneth Dean, director of the New York Lottery, lottery merchants serve as the first defense line in the suppression of both illegal and at-risk participation. With the help of this training and the additional resources we offer, businesses may confidently serve customers who are of legal drinking age.
